2024-11-07 17:56:45近期,快递,EMS,特快专递,ems国际快递美国海关与边境保护局(CBP)正对空运至美国的所有货件加强监管,严厉打击商品描述不准确的问题。如果产品申报模糊或不详细,不仅货件可能因此被延误或退运,而且还有可能产生罚款。其中,CBP罚款 USD 41000每票,TSA 罚款 USD 5000每票。


例如,应详细申报为" 塑料制成的儿童玩具(children's toys made of plastic)",而非简单地标注为" 玩具(toys)";同样,应描述为" 60%棉和40%聚酯制成的女装women's dresses made of 60% cotton 40% polyester ",而不是笼统地称之为" 服装clothing "。
Examples of Unacceptable vs Acceptable Cargo Descriptions
The following list, provided by CBP, is a guide to acceptable and unacceptable descriptions. 以下列表由 CBP 提供,是对可接受和不可接受描述的指南。
This list is not exhaustive and will continue to expand as unacceptable descriptions are identified and acceptable descriptions are further refined. 此列表并非详尽无遗,将随着不可接受的描述被识别和可接受的描述进一步细化而不断扩大。
Descriptions in the Acceptable column should be viewed only as examples of the items they actually describe and not as a list of specifically acceptable or restrictive terms."可接受"列中的描述应仅视为它们实际描述的项目的示例,而不是特定可接受或限制性术语的列表。
Bolded text indicates line items that have been added as of August 12, 2024.
加粗文本表示自 2024 年 8 月 12 日起已添加的行项目。
Unacceptable 无法接受的货物描述 | Acceptable 可以接受的货物描述 |
"Brand" or "Trade Mark" names by themselves, i.e., "Bubbles Brand" "品牌"或"商标"名称本身,即"Bubbles Brand" | "Bubbles Brand" Laundry Detergent "泡泡牌"洗衣粉 |
Laundry Detergent 洗衣液 | |
Animals 动物 | Horse 马 |
Poultry 家禽 | |
Bovine 牛的 | |
Apparel/Clothing/Garments 服装/衣服/服饰 | Shoes, Footwear 鞋子,鞋类 |
Wearing Apparel, Ladies' Apparel, Men's Apparel 穿着服装,女士服装,男士服装 | Women's Dresses 女士连衣裙 |
Men's Shirts 男士衬衫 | |
Boy's Jackets 男孩的夹克 | |
Appliances 家电 | Refrigerator 冰箱 |
Stove 炉子 | |
Microwave Oven 微波炉 | |
Coffee Machines 咖啡机 | |
Accessories 配件 | Hair Elastics 发圈 |
Sunglasses 太阳镜 | |
Socks 袜子 | |
Auto Parts 汽车零件 | Air Filters 空气过滤器 |
Automobile Brakes 汽车刹车 | |
Automotive Windshield 汽车挡风玻璃 | |
Automotive Wiper Blades 汽车雨刷刀片 | |
Auto Accessories 汽车配件 | Automotive Wiper Blades 汽车雨刷片 |
Bill of Lading, Sea Waybill, Air Manifest or a reference to another bill of lading number 提单、海运提单、航空货运单或参照另一提单号码 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Blanket 毯子 | 100% Polyester Blanket 100%聚酯纤维毯子 |
Caps 帽子 | Baseball Caps 棒球帽 |
Blasting Caps 雷管 | |
Bottle Caps 瓶盖 | |
Hub Caps 轮毂盖 | |
Chair 椅子 | Leather Office Chair 皮质办公椅 |
Chemicals, hazardous 化学品,危险品 | Actual Chemical Name (not brand name): 实际化学名称(非品牌名称): |
U.N. HAZMAT Code Identifier 联合国危险品代码标识符 | |
Chemicals, non-hazardous 化学品,非危险性的 | Aluminum Potassium Sulfate 明矾 |
Methyl Alcohol 甲醇 | |
U.N. HAZMAT Code Identifier 联合国危险品代码标识符 | |
Cleaning Products 清洁产品 | Detergents 清洁剂 |
Mops 拖把 | |
Window Cleaner 窗户清洁工 | |
Clothes 衣服 | 100% Wool Poncho 100%羊毛披肩 |
Company Business 公司业务 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Consolidated (on house or simple bills) 合并(在房屋或简单账单上) | Consolidated (only on master bills, where there will be several house bills of varying descriptions) 合并(仅在主提单上,其中将包含多个描述各异的分提单) |
Consumer Goods 消费品 | A clear and concise description of the item is required 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 |
Crafts/Craft Supplies 手工艺/手工艺品供应品 | Pipe Cleaners 管道清洁器 |
Daily Necessities 日常用品 | A clear and concise description of the item is required (e.g. Plastic Comb, Cosmetic Mirror, Deodorant, Diapers) 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述(例如,塑料梳子,化妆镜,除臭剂,尿布) |
Necessities 必需品 | A clear and concise description of the item is required (e.g. Shampoo, Hand Cream, Toilet Paper) 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述(例如,洗发水,护手霜,卫生纸) |
Handicrafts 手工艺品 | Construction paper, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, pompoms, decorative objects made by hand 建筑纸,棉球,管道清洁器,绒球,手工制作的装饰物品 |
Electronic Goods 电子商品 | Computers, Monitors, Televisions, Mobile Telephones, DVD players, Electronic Toys, Video Game Consoles, Electronic Dolls 电脑,显示器,电视,移动电话,DVD 播放器,电子玩具,视频游戏机,电子娃娃 |
Electronic Device 电子设备 | Kitchen Hand Mixer 厨房手动搅拌器 |
Equipment 设备 | Oil Well Equipment, Hydro-Electric Turbine 油井设备,水力发电涡轮机 |
Fitness Equipment 健身设备 | Stationary Exercise Bicycle 静态健身自行车 |
Industrial Equipment 工业设备 | Poultry Equipment, Compact Farm Tractor 家禽设备,紧凑型农用拖拉机 |
Film 电影 | Camera Film 相机胶卷 |
Polyethylene Film 聚乙烯薄膜 | |
Polyester Film 聚酯膜 | |
Flooring 地板 | Wood Flooring 木地板 |
Carpet 地毯 | |
Ceramic Tile 陶瓷砖 | |
Marble Flooring 大理石地板 | |
Foodstuffs 食品材料 | Packaged Rice, Bulk Rice, Mangos, Baking Flour 包装大米,散装大米,芒果,烘焙面粉 |
Food 食物 | Pasta, Canned Tuna, Corn Tortillas 意大利面,罐头金枪鱼,玉米玉米饼 |
Meat 肉 | Fresh Beef, Frozen Chicken 新鲜牛肉,冷冻鸡肉 |
Fish 鱼 | Live Trout, Frozen SALmon, Canned Tuna 活鳟鱼,冷冻三文鱼,罐头金枪鱼 |
Produce/Assorted Produce/Mixed produce/Mix Veg 生产/各种生产/混合生产/混合蔬菜 | Fresh Oranges, Frozen Broccoli, Canned Peaches 新鲜橙子,冷冻西兰花,罐头桃子 |
Pet food 宠物食品 | Canned Dog Food, Dry Cat Food 罐装狗粮,干猫粮 |
Cases of Food 食品案例 | Juice, Olive Oil 果汁,橄榄油 |
Snacks 小吃 | Soda, Crackers, Potato Chips 苏打水,饼干,薯片 |
Gifts 礼物 | Dolls, Basketball, Toy Car 娃娃,篮球,玩具车 |
Novelty Items 新奇物品 | Remote Control Cars, Toy Phone 遥控汽车,玩具电话 |
Frames 框架 | Picture Frames 相框 |
Freight Prepaid 运费预付 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Handle 处理 | Interior Brass Door Handle 内部黄铜门把手 |
Hose 软管 | Rubber Garden Hose 橡胶花园水管 |
Household Goods/Personal Effects 家居用品/个人物品 | Acceptable only when goods are Personal / Used Household Effects transported by a commercial carrier (Goods accounted under a Personal Effects Accounting Document) 仅在商品为个人/使用过的家庭用品,并由商业运输公司运输时接受(商品在个人物品清算文件下记账) |
Household Items 家庭用品 | See Household Goods 查看家居用品 |
Indecipherable descriptions ex. "RED SMOOTH MODULAR", "CDRE", "D6T PARTS", "RIPE”, “Z”, “2” 无法解读的描述例如 "RED SMOOTH MODULAR","CDRE","D6T 零件","成熟","Z","2" | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Iron 铁 | Iron Pipes 铁管 |
Iron Plates 铁板 | |
Kitchen Supplies 厨房用品 | Stainless Steel Kitchen Knives 不锈钢厨房刀具 |
Leather Articles 皮革制品 | Saddles 鞍座 |
Leather Handbags 皮革手提包 | |
Leather Jackets 皮夹克 | |
Shoes 鞋子 | |
Machines 机器 | Sewing Machines 缝纫机 |
Printing Machines 打印机 | |
Machine Parts 机器零件 | Oil Pumps 油泵 |
Silicone Seals 硅胶密封圈 | |
Car Engines 汽车引擎 | |
Medical Supplies 医疗用品 | Medical Gloves, N95 Masks, Rolls of Gauze 医用手套,N95 口罩,纱布卷 |
Biologicals 生物制品 | Blood, plasma, tissue, semen 血液,血浆,组织,精液 |
Medical Device 医疗设备 | Dialysis Machine 透析机 |
Laboratory Goods 实验室用品 | Syringes 注射器 |
Glass vials for laboratory use 实验室用玻璃试管 | |
Medication/Pharmaceuticals 药物/药品 | Insulin, Allergy Medication, with the common name or chemical name 胰岛素,过敏药物,带有通用名称或化学名称 |
Metal 金属 | Ingots of metal (precious or otherwise) 金属锭(贵重或其他) |
Round bars of steel or other metal 钢或其他金属的圆棒 | |
Deformed bars/rebars (of metal) 变形钢筋(金属) | |
Plates (of metal) 金属板 | |
Billets (of metal) 金属坯料 | |
Slabs (of metal) 金属板材 | |
Pipes (of metal) 金属管道 | |
Beams (of metal) 金属梁 | |
Tubes/Tubing (of metal) 金属管/管材 | |
Angles, shapes and sections (of metal) 角度,形状和部分(金属) | |
Sheets (of metal) 金属片 | |
Expanded metal 扩展金属 | |
Flat bars (of metal) 扁钢(金属) | |
Strand wire (of metal) 金属丝绳 | |
Oil 油 | Mineral Oil 矿物油 |
Motor Oil 机油 | |
Olive Oil 橄榄油 | |
Online Retailer, Online Retailer Shipment 在线零售商,在线零售商发货 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Ore 矿石 | Iron Ore 铁矿石 |
Copper Ore 铜矿石 | |
Packaging 包装 | Corrugated Cardboard Boxes 瓦楞纸箱 |
Boxes 盒子 | Mailing Envelopes 邮寄信封 |
Cartons 纸箱 | Plastic Bubble Wrap 塑料气泡膜 |
Palletized Shipment 托盘化运输 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Paper 纸张 | Paper Rolls 纸卷 |
Wrapping Paper 包装纸 | |
Paper Pulp 纸浆 | |
Paper Towel 纸巾 | |
Printing Paper 打印纸 | |
Pipes 管道 | Plastic Pipes 塑料管 |
PVC Pipes PVC 管道 | |
Steel Pipes 钢管 | |
Plants/Flowers 植物/花卉 | Tulips, Daisies, Roses 郁金香,雏菊,玫瑰 |
Cuttings 切割物 | Cedar Saplings 雪松幼苗 |
Tomato Plants 番茄植物 | |
Plastic Goods 塑料制品 | Plastic Kitchenware 塑料厨具 |
Industrial Plastics 工业塑料 | Plastic Toys 塑料玩具 |
Plastic Sheets 塑料板 | |
Plastic Tubes 塑料管 | |
Polyurethane 聚氨酯 | Polyurethane Threads 聚氨酯线程 |
Polyurethane Medical Gloves 聚氨酯医用手套 | |
Powder 粉末 | Flea Powder 跳蚤粉末 |
Baby Powder 婴儿爽身粉 | |
Corn Starch 玉米淀粉 | |
Promotional Items 促销商品 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Pump 泵 | Oil Pump 油泵 |
Water Pump 水泵 | |
Bicycle Pump 自行车泵 | |
Readymade Garments ~ HTS:610910 成品服装 ~ HTS:610910 | Women's 100% Cotton T-Shirt 女士 100%棉 T 恤 |
Men's 100% Rayon Shorts 男士 100%人造丝短裤 | |
Rubber Articles 橡胶制品 | Rubber Hoses 橡胶软管 |
Automobile Passenger Tires 汽车乘客轮胎 | |
Rubber Toys 橡胶玩具 | |
Rubber Conveyor Belts 橡胶输送带 | |
Rods 杆子 | Welding Rods 焊条 |
Rebar 钢筋 | |
Aluminum Rods 铝棒 | |
Reactor Rods 反应堆棒 | |
Sample 样本 | Shampoo Sample 洗发水样品 |
Conditioner Sample 护发素样品 | |
Makeup Sample 化妆品样本 | |
Scrap 废料 | Plastic Scrap 塑料废料 |
Aluminum Scrap 废铝 | |
Iron Scrap 废铁 | |
Serial Number only ("SN HAFR997MJ02041010") 序列号仅为 ("SN HAFR997MJ02041010") | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Shingles 带状疱疹 | Asphalt Shingles 沥青瓦片 |
Steel Shingles 钢瓦 | |
Wood Shingles 木瓦 | |
Spare Parts 备用零件 | Cellphone Replacement Screen 手机替换屏幕 |
New Automobile Breaks 新型汽车刹车 | |
Sporting Goods 体育用品 | Hockey Sticks 冰球棒 |
Soccer Balls 足球 | |
Goal Nets 球门网 | |
Stone Products 石材产品 | Granite Stone Slabs 花岗岩石板 |
STC (Said to Contain) 据说包含(STC) | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
General Cargo 普通货物 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
FAK (Freight of All Kinds) 各类货物运费 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
"No Description" "无描述" | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
'Misc/Miscellaneous' '杂项/杂项' | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Various 各种各样 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
General 一般 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Unknown 未知 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
UNK | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
XX | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
NOI (Not Otherwise Indicated) 未另行指示 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
NES (Note Elsewhere Specified) NES(未在别处指定) | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Scooter 滑板车 | Adult Electric Scooter with Battery 成人电动滑板车带电池 |
Shelf 货架 | Metal Shelving Units 金属货架单元 |
Steel 钢铁 | Steel Plates 钢板 |
Steel Coils 钢卷 | |
Supplements 补充剂 | Vitamins 维生素 |
Protein Powder 蛋白质粉 | |
Supplies 供应品 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Stuff 东西 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
T-Shirt T 恤衫 | Men's 100% Cotton T-Shirt 男士 100%棉 T 恤 |
Taxable Groceries 应税杂货 | Ice Cream 冰淇淋 |
Potato Chips 薯片 | |
Textiles 纺织品 | Carpets/Rugs 地毯/地毯 |
Silk 丝绸 | |
Finished Fabric Rolls 成品布卷 | |
Thing 事物 | A clear and concise description of the item is required – see other acceptable descriptions for examples 需要对物品进行清晰简洁的描述 - 参见其他可接受的描述作为示例 |
Tiles 瓷砖 | Marble Tiles 大理石瓷砖 |
Tires, New Tires, Tyre 轮胎,新轮胎,轮胎 | Automobile Passenger Tires, Bicycle Tire 汽车乘客轮胎,自行车轮胎 |
Toiletries/Bathroom Products 洗漱/浴室用品 | Towels 毛巾 |
Toothbrushes 牙刷 | |
Shampoo 洗发水 | |
Tools 工具 | Screwdrivers, Wrenches, Hammers 螺丝刀,扳手,锤子 |
Cordless Drills, Circular Saws, Wired Impact Drivers, Pneumatic Ratchets 无线电钻,圆锯,有线冲击扳手,气动棘轮 | |
Industrial Lathe, Band Saw, Reciprocating Saw 工业车床,带锯,往复锯 | |
Tool Carts 工具车 | Plastic Hand Tool Storage Cart 塑料手工具储存车 |
Toys/Games 玩具/游戏 | Wooden Children's Toys 木制儿童玩具 |
Plastic Children's Toys 塑料儿童玩具 | |
Board Games 桌游 | |
Console Games 游戏机游戏 | |
Vehicles 车辆 | Cars, Trucks, Buses, Recreational Vehicle 汽车,卡车,公交车,娱乐车 |
Tractors, Combines 拖拉机,联合收割机 | |
Bicycles 自行车 | |
Boats 船只 | |
Wires 电线 | Steel Wire 钢丝 |
Copper Wire 铜线 | |
Auto Harness 汽车线束 | |
Coiled Wire (Industrial) 卷曲的电线(工业) | |
Wood 木头 | Hemlock logs with bark 带树皮的铁杉木头 |
Empty Wood Pallets 空的木质托盘 | |
Cut Lumber 切割木材 |
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2024最后修改:2024 年 8 月 28 日
上一篇 美国国际海运航运存在哪些不确定因素-ems特快专递价格就是便宜
下一篇 国际快递的清关流程是怎样的?-ems特快专递价格就是便宜